Tengger Cavalryn ”Die On My Ride” -albumi streamattavissa kokonaisuudessaan
Yhdysvaltalaisen folk metal -yhtye Tengger Cavalryn tänään ilmestynyt ”Die On My Ride” -albumi on streamattavissa kokonaisuudessaan. Yhtye kuvaili albumiaan Noisey -verkkomedialle ja kertoi sen olevan luovempi edellisiin julkaisuihin verrattuna. Tengger Cavalry ei sitonut itseään mihinkään sääntöön tai rajoittunut puhtaasti perinteiseen folk-tyyliin. Silti yhtye säilytti tutut soittimet, joista fanit tunnistavat bändin musiikin.
Tengger Cavalryn perustaja ja laulaja-kitaristi Nature Ganganbaigal kertoi, että ”Die On My Ride” -albumi on hänelle henkilökohtaisesti merkittävä, sillä siinä tutkitaan henkilökohtaisia tunteita, vaikeuksia ja unelmia sekä syrjintää ja eristäytymistä, joita ihminen kokee.
Kuuntele albumi tästä:
Bändin laulaja-kitaristi Nature Ganganbaigal kertoi Noiseylle:
”Die on My Ride is more creative in comparison to our last few albums in terms of mixing and instrumentation, I think. We didn’t have as many restrictions or rules locking us into the traditional folk sound, but rather incorporated more creative usage of the instruments. We didn’t just marry ourselves to the ”classic” or ”native” way of using the instruments this time around. That said, we still used many instruments that fans of the band are now familiar with, like Mongolian Morin Khuur fiddle, Central Asian dombra of Kazakhstan, jaw harp, and some Siberian shamanic drum sounds.
This record is very emotional for me. In comparison to our other records, Die On My Ride is more about individual perspective as a human being, not based on a specific background or culture. It explores individual feelings, struggle and taking hold of your own dreams and passions, and of course discusses the isolation and discriminations that individuals experience, both in the past and now. This album is for those who want to live above judgement and restriction, for those who seek true freedom and a sense of responsibility and ownership of their own life and choices.
While I personally haven’t experienced a heightened amount of direct racism lately, many of my close friends of color and different ethnicities have. I’ve had the chance to listen to them and feel for them, and some of that is expressed on this record. It is important for me to listen to and understand them, as we all stand as one race of human beings.”
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