
Testament aikeissa julkaista uuden albumin ensi vuonna

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 20.3.2017

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -veteraani Testamentin laulaja Chuck Billy on antanut Metal Wanille haastattelun, jossa hän kertoo yhtyeen aikovan julkaista uuden albumin ensi vuonna. Bändin uusin ”Brotherhood Of The Snake” -niminen albumi julkaistiin viime lokakuussa Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta.

Uusinta tuotosta edeltävä albumi ”Dark Roots Of Earth” ilmestyi vuonna 2012, ja Billyn mukaan seuraavaa levyä ei tarvitsisi odottaa neljää vuotta:

”No, no, no. Our goal is two years. We hope to have a record out next year. Because we thought we’d have a record out after two years; it just ended up being four, because the process just… I don’t know what happened, but it took forever. So this time, like, you know what? I don’t wanna do that again. I told Eric [Peterson, guitar] exactly when we were done recording. I said, ’You know what? It’s a great record now, but I don’t wanna go through what I had to go through to do this again. So why don’t we start writing now?’ So we decided that when we’re not on the road, let’s get together and just jam and maybe come up and at least get to that point where we were with this record — a bunch of ideas and riffs and lyrics.”

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Billy kertoi myös Testamentin pitkäikäisyydest sekä vaikutuksesta nuorempiin yhtyeisiin:

”I think we’ve stayed true to what we’ve done from the ’80s up to where we are today. There’s a lot of music changes and industry changes and radio and MTV and the whole format, everything’s changed from when we began to where we are today, but through all that, I think we’ve stayed true to what we do and our style and what we want to play, and somehow I think the fan appreciates that. Most bands either stop playing or they try to conform to what’s current and people are buying. And I don’t think bands could make it that long, ’cause I don’t know… It’s not real.”

Kysyttäessä miten yhtye on huippukunnossa vielä 30 vuoden jälkeen, Billy vastasi:

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”We never copied ourselves [musically].”

”You know it’s TESTAMENT, but we haven’t copied… ’Oh, that’s their last record,’ ’Oh, that’s ’Practice [What You Preach]’.’ We’re always kind of evolving, but you know it’s TESTAMENT. You’re kind of going, ’Cool, man. It’s a different feeling or a different vibe this song’s hit me. So I think that has something to do with it as well.”

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