Testament Rockfest 2023

Testament pyrkii saamaan uuden albuminsa äänitettyä ennen heinäkuun kiertuetta

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 17.6.2024

Heinäkuussa Laukaassa järjestettävässä John Smith Rock Festivalissa esiintyvän Testamentin vokalisti Chuck Billy, kertoi hiljattain Rockin’ Metal Revivalin haastattelussa yhtyeen työn alla olevasta albumista. Billyn mukaan uusi albumi tulee esittelemään erityisesti rumpali Chris Dovasin kykyjä. Dovas korvasi Dave Lombardon viime vuonna. Tarkoitus olisi saada levyn äänitykset valmiiksi ennen heinäkuussa alkavaa Euroopan kiertuetta.
Chuck Billy kertoi:

”We won’t talk about the title because we have a bunch of working ones, but it always changes in the final minute. But I do have to say that Chris Dovas is our new drummer on board and he is lighting Eric Peterson up as far as writing, which I’m very excited, because I know we have a lot of history, a lot of music.”

”It’s always tough to get creative this far in your career, but I feel that Chris has pushed Eric to that limit to really go beyond what he’s done. So there’s some really, really cool stuff on this record — modern, old school; it’s got a little of everything. So Chris is bringing a lot to the table for this record.”

”I’d say the only thing that’s changed is that we don’t live near each other and don’t go to the studio and hang out and drink beer like we used to. So we work writing songs via the Internet, and we’ll work that way for a while and then Eric and Chris come to my house and then… we’ll run through the music and the songs.”

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”But the guys have been in the studio for about three weeks right now, and I believe most of the drums are done, a couple of cover songs we’re gonna cover are done. We’re still writing the last probably four songs, finalizing them. So when we get back from the Milwaukee Metalfest, we’ve got about a month and a half to get the rest of the record recorded before we leave for Europe in July.”

Testamentin kiertueaikataulu kesälle:

7/15 SE Malmö, Slagthuset (w/ Behemoth)
7/16 SE Uppsala, Parksnäckan (w/ Behemoth)
7/18 FI Laukaa, John Smith Rock Festival
7/19 ET Tallinn, Noblessner Foundry (w/ Behemoth)
7/21 PL Warsaw, Progresja Summer Stage (w/ BehemothGaerea)
7/23 SK Kosice, Hádzanárska Hala (w/ BehemothGaerea)
7/24 SK Tolmin, Tolminator Festival
7/25 RS Novi Sad, SKCNS Fabrika
7/27 BG Sofia, Arena Sofia (w/ BehemothPestilence)
7/28 GR Athens, Release Athens (w/ BehemothPestilence)
7/31 RO Rasnov, Rockstadt Extreme Fest
8/2 DE Roitzschjora, Full Rewind Festival
8/3 DE Wacken, Wacken Open Air
8/5 DE Karlsruhe, Substage (w/ HavokSpiritworld)
8/6 AT Feldkirch, Poolbar (w/ SylosisHavok)
8/7 DE Ulm, Roxy (w/ HavokDust Bolt)
8/8 CZ Brutal Assault Festival
8/10 BE Kortrijk, Alcatraz Festival
8/11 FR Cercoux, Festival 666

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