Testament saanut valmiiksi tulevan albuminsa nauhoitukset: albumi luvassa vuoden 2019 lopussa
Yhdysvaltalainen thrash metal -veteraani Testament on saanut valmiiksi tulevan vielä nimeämättön albuminsa. Yhtyeen rumpali Gene Hoglan on vahvistanut asian tuoreessa Talk Toomey -podcastille antamassaan haastattelussa ja kertonut levyn ilmestyvän todennäköisesti vuoden 2019 lopussa. Gene kertoi albumin tilanteesta seuraavaa:
”I know the band was shooting for completing the album by June 12th. I know that they had that as a pretty hard target for completion of all the tracks. And then I don’t know what [producer] Andy Sneap is up to — I think Andy’s probably out on the road with JUDAS PRIEST [as the band’s touring guitarist] — but I understand Andy will be mixing it. We tracked with Juan Urteaga, like we have the past couple of things. And Juan’s great to work with. People might know him from the MACHINE HEAD albums that he’s done. And he’s done a lot of tracking for TESTAMENT in the past, as well as Ted Nugent, NIGHT RANGER — God, you name it. Juan’s awesome to work with. I love tracking with Juan. He’s a cool guy, super positive, and that’s always fun.”
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