Textures kitaristi jätti yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.1.2013

Hollantilaisen metallia soittavan Texturesin kitaristi Jochem Jacobs on jättänyt yhtyeen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi sekä yhtyeen, että Jochemin viesti asiaan liittyen.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a bit quiet around the TEXTURES camp lately. It is for a valid reason:

After 12 years being a big part of the band, Jochem Jacobs has decided to leave TEXTURES. It is sad to see him leave, but we respect his decision fully.

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Since the very start of TEXTURES, Jochem has helped the band get to where it is right now and his input will always be part of our music.

Jochem Jacobs:

“I’ve been with TEXTURES from the very beginning and have had a lot of great adventures in the past 12 years, musically and socially! It was a dream coming true, I was traveling across the world with my best friends and making music!!!

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What more could you want?!! Strange as it may sound, my priorities changed gradually during the years… Now the time has come for me to start doing more other stuff. There are so many things in life that gives me goosebumps!

I’m really busy producing great bands and other music at my studio and I want to focus more on that, I will keep on rocking!!!! Also, I will keep being involved with Textures and will continue producing future TEXTURES albums \m/”

It’s a big setback for the band, but we are fully determined to keep on making music. Therefore the search for a replacement guitarist has begun!

More news about this coming soon!

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Bare with us guys! Remember that you, our fans, are the ones that make us want to move on at full-speed and create some more crazy music!
