The Alarm -yhtyeen Mike Peters kertoo syöpänsä olevan remissiossa

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 2.10.2024

Huhtikuussa The Alarm -yhtyeen kitaristi Mike Peters ilmoitti, että hänen syöpänsä oli uusiutunut. Peters, jolla diagnosoitiin leukemia ensimmäisen kerran 29 vuotta sitten, sai kuulla sairastavansa Richterin oireyhtymää. Tämä tila muutti hänen kroonisen lymfaattisen leukemiansa (KLL) aggressiivisemmaksi ja pahanlaatuisemmaksi muodoksi. Lääkärit kertoivat, että ilman hoitoa tauti tappaisi Petersin muutamassa kuukaudessa. Tämä johti The Alarm -yhtyeen Yhdysvaltain-kiertueen peruuttamiseen ja hoitojen aloittamiseen The Christie NHS Foundation Trust -sairaalassa Manchesterissa, jossa Peters aloitti akalabrutinib-nimisen kokeellisen lääkkeen ja kemoterapian yhdistelmän. Nyt Peters ilmoittaa olevansa täysin remissiossa.

Peters kertoo tilanteestaan ja kiittelee häntä hoitaneita lääkäreitä The Alarmin kotisivuilla. Peters myös mainitsee etsivänsä sopivaa kantasolujen luovuttajaa.

It is momentous news, especially when considering that I was only diagnosed with the aggressive Richter’s Syndrome last April and told that without treatment, I could expect to live for just 2-12 months.

I owe this miraculous turnaround to the endeavours of all at The Christie Hospital, Professor Bloor and his outstanding Haematology team, to the dedication and professionalism of the nursing staff on the Day Care Unit in Department 26 and the unwavering service of the specialist nurses who run the clinical trials program.

I am also indebted to Dr. Heartin and his team at the North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre for reacting so quickly, and referring me to The Christie when the first symptoms appeared at the end of April.

As a Richter’s syndrome patient, I know I am very lucky to have achieved Remission and most certainly couldn’t have made it this far without the love and support from my wife Jules and two sons Dylan and Evan. Everyone involved has supported me and my passion for music and helped me to walk the often tricky path to getting on stage and remaining free from infection, especially when I was deep into the five cycles of R-Chop Chemotherapy.

The fans who turned up to show their loyalty made themselves known at every show and I will be forever grateful to them for sharing in the concert experiences over these challenging last few months.

The ordeal is not over yet however, in fact the toughest challenge of the Stem Cell Transplant can only be faced once the search for the matching blood stem cell donor is complete.

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The transplant team at the Christie, are now searching the international registries to find the right person to match with me, and as soon as that identification has been made, then I could be called into hospital to begin the conditioning process at any minute.

In the way that someone out there in the world and unknown to me, is going to help save my life, it’s still not too late to register yourself on to the registry and save a life.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 55, please follow this link and get on the list now.

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Love. Hope Strength,

Mike Peters
30th September 2024