The Blackout julkaisi albumin nimen
Iso-Britanniasta tuleva post-hardcore -yhtye The Blackout on antanut uudelle albumille nimeksi ”Hope.” Bändi suunnittelee julkaisupäivää huhtikuulle oletettavasti Epitaph Recordsin kautta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi keulamies Gavin Butlerin viestin asiasta.
We’ve made these songs as big as possible and with The Blackout that’s always been our main focus.
There’s a lot of lyrical content about not caring what other people think and about doing what we love. There wasn’t ever a part when we thought, ’We can’t put that in!’ because fans would think it was too pop or it would be too heavy for radio; you’ve got to keep the Bon Jove vibe up but it’s still got that Slipknot streak in it somewhere!
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