The Cranberriesin viimeiseksi jäävä albumi julkaistaan huhtikuussa – ensimmäinen single kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 15.1.2019

The Cranberries päättää kolmekymmentävuotisen uransa julkaisemalla 26. päivä huhtikuuta kahdeksannen studioalbuminsa, jolta on nyt kuunneltavissa ensimmäinen single ”All Over Now”. Yli 40 miljoonaa albumia myyneen yhtyeen tie tuli päätökseen vuosi sitten, kun laulaja Dolores O’Riordan riisti itseltään hengen kesken albuminteon. Kitaristi Noel Hogan muistelee surullisena uuden ”In The End” -nimisen levyn studiotyöskentelyä O’Riordanin kuoleman jälkeen kertoen:

”We knew this had to be one of the, if not the, best Cranberries album that we could possibly do. The worry was that we would destroy the legacy of the band by making an album that wasn’t up to standard. Once we had gone through all the demos that Dolores and I had worked on and decided that we had such a strong album, we knew it would be the right thing and the best way that we could honor Dolores. t was a bittersweet time. The joy of recording new tracks is always exciting and one of the best parts of being in a band. At the end of every day when we’d laid down our parts there was a sense of sadness, knowing that Dolores wouldn’t be in that evening to work on that day’s track.”

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O’Riordanin äiti on kaipaukseltaan todennut, että hänen tyttärensä olisi varmasti ollut iloinen uuden albumin julkaisusta, sillä hän oli ollut siitä kovin innoissaan:

 ”I miss her awfully, specially today, as does the entire family. That said I can’t think of a more fitting way to commemorate the first anniversary of her passing and to celebrate her life than to announce to the world the release of her final album with the band. She was very excited about this new album and was really looking forward to its release. I have no doubt that she is happy now and would be delighted with today’s announcement.”

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”In The End” -albumin kappaleet:

1. All Over Now
2. Lost
3. Wake Me When It’s Over
4. A Place I Know
5. Catch Me If You Can
6. Got It
7. Illusion
8. Crazy Heart
9. Summer Song
10. The Pressure
11. In The End


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