The Dillinger Escape Plan siirtymässä studioon marraskuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.7.2015

Dillinger Escape PlanYhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye The Dillinger Escape Planin kitaristi Ben Weinman on antanut hiljattain Australiassa haastattelun The Rockpit -nimiselle verkkolehdelle, jossa paljastaa yhtyeen aikovan siirtyä studioon marraskuun aikana aloittamaan tulevan vielä nimeämättömän albuminsa nauhoitukset. Ben Weinmanin mukaan hän on vastannut suurelta osin yhtyeen tulevan albumin kirjoittamisesta yhdessä rumpali Billy Rumerin kanssa. Voit lukea Benin mietteitä yhtyeen tulevan albumin kirjoittamisesta tästä:

”It’s not that collaborative, I’ve pretty much been the main songwriter from day one, and I’m the only original member in the band, so it’s great to have some of these guys add their perspective and their flavor to it, but still have the consistency of the original vision that went into the band. I think that makes it interesting. Typically, myself and our drummer work and create pretty complex demos before anyone else hears it, and then we send it to the guys and they work on it, work on their parts, and it’s really cool, especially, to hear Greg [Puciato], our singer, come back and hear his take on it. I think the good thing about him not being part of the process until it’s almost done is that he hears it like a fan; it hits him exactly how we intended it to hit somebody. To be able to be moved by it and create based on that inspiration and influence, and I hear it back almost fresh, where it’s got a whole new level and layer to it, it’s a pretty exciting process, to be honest with you.”

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