The Facelessin alkuperäinen basisti palaa yhtyeeseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.4.2015

The FacelessYhdysvaltalaisen deathcore -yhtye The Facelessin rivit ovat saaneet taas täydennöstä. Yhtyeen riveihin on liittynyt takaisin bändiä perustamassa ollut basisti Brandon Giffin, joka alunperin jätti yhtyeen keskittyäkseen muihin asioihin elämässään. Yhtyeen kitaristi Michael Keene on julkaissut Brandonin paluuseen liittyen seuraavanlaisen viestin, jossa paljastuu myös yhtyeen asettaneen seuraavan albuminsa nimeksi ”In Becoming A Ghost”:

“I am so extremely excited to announce Brandon Giffin on our new record. For those who don’t know, Brandon is the original bassist of The Faceless and played on Akeldama and Planetary Duality and then took some time off from touring, followed by touring as the sessions bassist for prog legends Cynic for several years.

We formed the band together when we were in high school and I am so happy to be collaborating with him again. Brandon is like a brother to me and he’s like my musical soul mate. Brandon will be playing on the new record, which is tentatively titled “In Becoming A Ghost” and playing as many shows as possible with us.

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Due to life circumstances, he may not be able to always make every tour with us, but he is an official collaborator in The Faceless again and will be playing whatever shows he can with us. I couldn’t be happier about this. More exciting member announcements coming soon!-Michael Keene”