The Ghost Inside -promo 2018

The Ghost Inside on saanut valmiiksi tulevan albuminsa nauhoitukset

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.2.2020
The Ghost Inside -promo 2018

Yhdysvaltalainen hardcore-yhtye The Ghost Inside on saanut valmiiksi tulevan, järjestyksessään viidennen albuminsa nauhoitukset. Yhtyeen rumpali Andrew Tkaczyk on antanut hiljattain Stray From The Path -yhtyeen rumpalin, Craig Reynoldsin kipparoimalle The Downbeat Podcastille haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut yhtyeen saaneen tammikuussa levyn nauhoitukset pakettiin yhdessä tuottaja Will Putneyn sekä Jeremy McKinnonin (A Day To Remember) kanssa. Andrew kertoi levyn teosta seuraavaa:

“Back in January of last year I turned one of my bedrooms into a little studio, and the guys came out and we just started writing it. So when we got hold of Will [Putney, producer] to tell him we were interested in him producing the record, we also had Jeremy [McKinnon] from A Day To Remember on board, which we’ve had on the last two records.

How it worked was, we first initially met up in Orlando at Jeremy’s studio and Andrew Wade’s studio to do these pre-pro demos. And that was in May of last year. So he came there, and we all flew to Florida, and we spent two or three weeks in Orlando. And then we took a little break because we had our comeback show to do in July, so we took a little break to prepare for that, and then went back to good old Belleville, New Jersey to finish and track the record.”

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Kysyttäessä millaisia suunnitelmia bändillä on levyn julkaisun suhteen, kertoi Andrew Tkaczyk seuraavaa:

“I don’t think we’ve quite settled on a name [for the album] yet – but the record is done, and literally as of last night we are listening to the mix, and all this stuff. So it’s super-exciting.”

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