The Ghost Inside vakavassa bussiturmassa
Yhdysvaltalainen hardcore -yhtye The Ghost Inside on joutunut kiertueellaan vakavaan bussiturmaan matkalla Teksasista Phoenixiin. Turmassa menehtyi bändin bussia kuljettanut henkilö, sekä turmassa olleen kuorma-auton kuljettaja. Yhtye on joutunut perumaan kiertueensa loput keikat tapahtuman johdosta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.
”Thanks to everyone who reached out with concern today. The Ghost Inside was involved in a serious bus accident outside El Paso, TX this morning. All 5 band members + all members of the crew are alive and currently being treated for their injuries. Please keep them in your thoughts as well as their bus driver and those in the other vehicle who did not make it. Unfortunately, all US shows on the Locals Only Tour are cancelled. Refunds available at point of purchase. We will update you more when we can.”
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