The Ghost Insiden vokalistilla diagnosoitiin uusi luuinfektio

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 7.6.2016

TheGhostInside-2015-717Uutisoimme toukokuussa Yhdysvaltalaisen hardcore -yhtye The Ghost Insiden vokalisti Jonathan Vigilin selättäneen bussiturmassa tulleen luuinfektionsa. Vigilin parantumiseen tuli uusi este, kun hänen kantapäähänsä leikkauksessa asetettu ruuvi irtosi ja murtautui ihon läpi. Seurauksena tästä miehelle on tullut uusi luuinfektio, ja hän ei voi käyttää jalkojaan ainakaan kuukauteen. Hän kertoo tilanteesta Instagram-julkaisussaan:

My ankle bone has another infection from the screw dislodging and coming out of the skin. Another six weeks of intravenous antibiotics. Another six weeks without progression. Another six weeks away from a seemingly simple goal of being able to just walk on my own again. I’ve been put to the test many, many times during this ordeal. We all have. You would think that after nearly 7 months we would be back to normal, but we’re not. Actually far from it. I’ve always been the one to wear a smile on my face with the mantra ”everything will be alright.” I’ve spent a lot of time wavering with this belief. More than I care to admit. I can sympathize more now with the other side because I’ve been the one for so long thats been on the pedestal. The one that has the easy job of saying ”there, there. It’s ok.” But now I’m the one living it and I know just how difficult it can be. I’ve had my words shoved back in my face. And now it’s time to put my money where my mouth is. I just didn’t know how hard it would be but I’d like to think I’ll come out stronger

A photo posted by Jonathan Vigil (@jonathanvigil) on

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