The Junior Varsity lopettaa
Yhdysvaltalainen rock -yhtye The Junior Varsity on päättänyt lopettaa taipaleensa. Syynä tähän on se, että bändin vokalisti/basisti Asa lopetti ja muut jäsenet ovat siirtymässä takaisin koulun penkille. Lue lisää nähdäksesi virallisen viestin bändiltä.
Andy here with TJV.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyIf you’ve come to a show lately, you’ve surely been surprised by the current lineup. If you havent heard yet, asa quit the band and weve had our friend brandon carnes covering the lead singer/bass player duty until we decided what we want to do.
As it looks, all the current members of TJV are going to head back to college. So we’re sort of putting this thing on the back burner. We might do some shows here and there for fun, but we probably will not be touring as a band again. We have a show on Saturday November 10th at Illinois College in Jacksonville, Illinois. Currently, this is our last booked show, but we are planning to book a couple in december in the central illinois area. These may be the TJV farewell shows.
The support we have received from all these little cities in the cornfields has been overwhelming for the last 5 years. We couldnt have kept moving forward if it wasnt for the initial support we received from our home area. We are sorry for the demise of this band, but it is hard to replace a singer. Its almost like starting over again. Asa was our 2nd singer as it was.
November 10th in Jacksonville will definitely not be the last show though…we’ll plan a couple fun events. Nobody has too hard of feelings about the events that transpired…i think we are all ready to start a new life.
ALSO–you can catch me on tour this november playing guitar and piano for a band called ”the dear hunter.” We’ll be all across the US opening for Circa Survive and i am very excited about the opportunity.
Check em out…im sure you will love it. And come say hi at some of the shows this fall.
If anyone has any questions about whats going on, hit me up on my blackberry at
I’ll be driving 19 hours by myself to rhode island today…so entertain me haha.
Thanks for the love guys.