The Murder Of My Sweetiltä uutta materiaalia tammikuussa: albumin tiedot julki

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.11.2016

The Murder Of My Sweet 2015Ruotsalaisen sinfonista metallia soittavan The Murder Of My Sweetin neljäs albumi, ”Echoes Of The Aftermath”, julkaistaan tammikuun 27. päivä Frontiers Music Srl:n toimesta. Edellinen julkaisu oli viime vuonna Frontiersin kautta ilmestynyt ”Beth Out of Hell”-konseptialbumi. Tuleva albumi seuraa musiikillisesti edellistä albumia ja tarjoaa sinfoniallisia sekä elokuvallisia elementtejä, joista yhtye on tunnettu. Voit katsoa alempaa kappalelistan kansitaiteineen. Rumpali/tuottaja Daniel Flores kommentoi albumeita:

“During the process of writing Beth Out Of Hell with Angelica, I came up with lots of riffs, melodies and music that didn’t necessarily fit the concept of the album. The inspiration and creative buzz from those songwriting sessions stayed with us and helped us come up with a new album very quickly. And of course the warm reception from fans and media had a helping hand too. I’m personally also really proud of the sonic impact of this record, I’ve learnt so much during these past years working with Frontiers and I’m so glad I can showcase this in full force on this album. The guys in the band are feeling very creative these days and thanks to the fans we are able to give you our Echoes Of The Aftermath!”

Vokalisti Angelica Rylin lisäsi:

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”For me, the writing process for this album became a way to reconnect with my Nordic roots. I’ve always been a fan of John Bauer (Swedish painter and illustrator) and his portraits of Swedish folklore and fairy tales was a big inspiration for me. And it was a nice break from ”Beth”, who had become such a big part of my life for a very long time.”

Echoes Of The Aftermath


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1. Sleeping Giant
2. Personal Hell
3. Racing Heart
4. Cry Wolf
5. Echoes Of The Aftermath
6. Flatline
7. Loud As A Whisper
8. Shining After Dark
9. Ode To Everyone
10. Go On
11. In Risk Of Rain
12. Inside Outside