The Pretty Reckless julkaisee ”Death By Rock And Roll” -albumin – levytyssopimukseen Century Media Recordsin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.4.2020

Century Media Records on ilmoittanut solmineensa levytyssopimuksen amerikkalaisen The Pretty Recklessin kanssa. Yhtyeen neljäs studioalbumi ”Death By Rock And Roll” julkaistaan myöhemmin tänä vuonna. Yhtyeen manageri David Sonenberg kommentoi:

”When we first heard the new album, ’Death By Rock And Roll’, we were very excited. We couldn’t wait to play it to record labels. We took a ton of meetings and received offers from a broad range of labels. But it quickly became apparent that Century Media was the right partner for us. They shared our passion and enthusiasm for what we believe will be a breakthrough album for The Pretty Reckless. So, here’s to our new partnership with Century Media! And long live rock and roll!!!”

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Century Mediasta kommentoitiin seuraavasti:

”We are stoked to announce the signing of The Pretty Reckless for a worldwide partnership outside the USA. When we started talking to the band’s management, it instantly became clear we all shared a common vision for The Pretty Reckless, and it felt natural to partner up and make this vision become reality. ’Death By Rock And Roll’ isn’t only a fantastic album, but a storm warning, announcing the return of stadium rock! Welcome to Century Media Records!”

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