The Pretty Recklessin Taylor Momsen kertoo syitä uuden albumin lykkäämiselle: ”On hullua julkaista albumi, jos ei voi lähteä kiertueelle”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 19.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye The Pretty Reckless ilmoitti aiemmin lykkäävänsä uuden ”Death By Rock And Roll” -albuminsa julkaisun vuoteen 2021. Yhtyeen laulaja Taylor Momsen avasi syitä lykkäämiselle Forbesille antamassaan haastattelussa. Hän kertoo myös, että yhtye suunnittelee julkaisevansa lisää singlejä ennen albumin julkaisua ja kertoo, että toukokuussa julkaistu tulevan albumin nimikkosingle on vain jäävuoren huippu:

”We talked about holding the song ’Death By Rock And Roll’ for longer too, and I was, like, ’I can’t do this. I can’t just sit on this album forever. The world needs music and music has such a healing thing to it, and it saved my life, time and time again.

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If we put out a song and if it can put a smile on some people’s faces, great; we’ll take it from there. That’s kind of what we’re doing — we’re riding the wave.

This is just such an unprecedented time, so we’re trying to take it step by step, and see where things go.

Everything is still up in the air, but we are planning on releasing more singles before the full album is out. There’s going to be more music to come. [The title track] is just the first little taste or the tip of the iceberg, if you will.

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The main reason for delaying it was simply because putting out a few songs and not being able to play them is one thing, but putting out a full album and not being able to tour is crazy. Now, who knows when touring is going to come back? I keep hearing different things, and the date keeps getting later and later. We can’t wait forever. Eventually, we’ll just put it out. But that was kind of the main reason for it, and like I said, it’s kind of just the waiting game now.”

”Death By Rock And Roll” -single:

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