The Raven Age julkaisee uuden ”Exile” -albuminsa syyskuussa: kuuntele ”No Man’s Land” -kappale lyriikkavideon kera
Brittiläinen metalliyhtye The Raven Age julkaisee syyskuun 17. päivä Ex1 Recordsin kautta uuden ”Exile” -albuminsa. Siltä on kuunneltavissa uusi ”No Man’s Land” -kappale animoidun lyriikkavideon muodossa.
Bändin laulaja Matt Jemes kertoo levystä:
“The concept for ’Exile’ is something we had been toying with for a while. We had done alternate acoustic style versions of songs before and the response was so positive it made us think about doing a whole album this way! Obviously, The Raven Age is first and foremost a metal band but due to the melodic nature of our songs they can lend themselves to this kind of treatment. We were pleasantly surprised how great so many of the songs sounded stripped back to their bare bones.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyEach reimagined song has now taken on a new life of its own and gives the listener a completely different perspective from them. The two new tracks ‘Wait For Me’ and ‘No Man’s Land’ were a homage to this project’s concept and we hope it shows people the band’s versatility and different dimensions. ’Exile’ is a passion project for our fans in between albums and with the current climate of the planet, it gave us the perfect excuse to roll with it!”.
Kitaristi George Harris kirjoitti ”No Man’s Land” -kappaleen synkässä mielen tilassa, kun kaikki iski päälle vuoden 2020 alussa. Muutamien vuosien ajan yhtye kulki kiertueilla ja nosti paljon tunnelmaa ja asennetta toimintaansa. Viimeinen keikka oli vuonna 2019 Lontoossa O2-areenalla, joten niistä hetkistä oli korkea pudotus tyhjyyteen. Bändi ei voinut tietää oliko kaikki kovalla työllä saatu tulos turhaa.
“’No Man’s Land’ is a song reflective of the mental state I was in when everything hit at the start of 2020. The band had a huge couple of years touring wise and had built up so much momentum, the morale in the camp was higher than ever before. Our last gig of 2019 was at the London O2 arena alongside Alter ’Bridge and Shinedown’, so to go from those heights to nothing was devastating for us”. “We’re at the stage in our careers where we rely on that momentum and buzz to keep us reaching forward, and to have the rug pulled from underneath us left us in a state of limbo where we suddenly didn’t know if everything we’d built so far and worked so hard for was all for nothing”.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy