The Smashing Pumpkinsin uusi kitaristi on Kiki Wong

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 29.4.2024

The Smashing Pumpkins ilmoitti valinneensa uuden kitaristin. Pestin on saanut multi-instrumentalisti Kiki Wong (Vigil of War), joka korvaa yhtyeen viime syksynä jättäneen Jeff Schroederin. The Smashing Pumpkins tiedotti jo aiemmin, että yhtyeen kitaristiksi oli avoimessa haussa hakenut yli 10 000 henkilöä.

Yhtye kommentoi valintaansa sosiaalisessa mediassaan:

“The news you have been waiting for has finally arrived!

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SP is excited to officially welcome highly-skilled veteran guitarist Kiki Wong. Kiki joins the band’s touring lineup of Billy Corgan, Jimmy Chamberlin, and James Iha, along with mainstays Jack Bates and Katie Cole. Please join us in welcoming Kiki to the SP family. We will be sharing more in the coming weeks but in the meantime see more of Kiki here: @kikiwongo (IG, TikTok)”

Kiki Wong kommentoi:

“It’s been an absolute wild ride, but I am beyond honored and humbled to be chosen to perform alongside some of rock’s greatest and most influential musicians of all time.

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I never thought little ole 15-year-old me playing metal guitar in my bedroom would amount to this moment. It goes to show hard work and perseverance truly pays off if you’re willing to push through the tough stuff, so never lose hope out there.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait to share the stage with The legendary Smashing Pumpkins!

–Kiki Wong (@kikiwongo)”

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