The Wonder Years työstämässä uutta albumia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.1.2011

Yhdysvaltalainen pop-punk -yhtye The Wonder Years siirtyi viime viikonloppuna studioon nauhoittamaan uutta albumia. Albumin on tarkoitus tulla ulos kesällä Hopeless Recordsin kautta. Tuottajana toimii Steve Evetts (Saves The Day, Lifetime, Every Time I Die). Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin viestin aiheesta.

Steve Evetts is a legend in our eyes. The man has produced some of the greatest pop punk and hardcore releases of all time. He has the ability to make anything from Saves the Day to Every Time I Die sound good. I trust his judgment, I think he’s going to help push us to make a better record than we could ever thought possible and honestly, I just want to bother him with questions about what it was like to record Through Being Cool.

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