The Word Alive julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Why Am I Like This?”

Yhdysvalloista ponnistava metalcore -yhtye The Word Alive on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Why Am I Like This?”. Kyseinen kappale on osa yhtyeen uutta ”White Noise” -albumia, jonka on määrä ilmestyä toukokuun 4. päivä. Bändin keulakuva Tyler ”Telle” Smith kertoo:
“‘Why Am I Like This?‘ is about pursuing something that more than likely you know you shouldn’t or that might not be the healthiest choice for you. The last two years I experienced making choices that took me further away from who I wanted to be, and I was living in the moment with no regard for how it would affect me or someone else.
It’s about finding that person who is kind of the devil on your shoulder, and you want them to tell you what you’re doing is ok so you can rationalize it and justify it. It’s about the fact that sometimes it ends up being the wrong decision, and sometimes, very rarely it ends up proving everything you know wrong and being the best thing for you. But you don’t know which it will be in the moment.”