Therion julkaisi musiikkivideon rock-oopperansa eeppisestä finaalista: tältä kuulostaa ”Theme of Antichrist”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.1.2018
Therionin Christofer Johnsson

Sinfonista metallia esittävä Therion julkaisi animoidun musiikkivideon ”Theme of Antichrist” -kappaleestaan. Kyseinen kappale on ruotsalaisyhtyeen 9. helmikuuta ilmestyvän päälle kolmetuntisen ”Beloved Antichrist” -nimisen rock-oopperan finaali.

Yhtyeen johtohahmo ja säveltäjä Christofer Johnsson kertoo Nuclear Blastin tiedotteessa kuinka ajatus animoidusta musiikkivideosta syntyi:

”So, the »Beloved Antichrist« is ready, let‘s get on with promotion. We need a video clip. Lori is in the USA, Christian in Argentina, Chiara in Italy, Thomas is touring in Spain, Carlos (the video producer) and his team are in Chile and the rest of us are in Sweden. The budget won‘t be enough to fly everyone around. To have 4 different green screen sessions and let each person organise it by him/her self is too expensive and also very risky. So that leaves me with two options:
1. Tell the record label we don‘t have the means to do it currently.

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2. Think outside of the box (as we often need to do).

I‘ve been eleborating with the thought of »Beloved Antichrist« as an animated film. It could be just one of many crazy ideas I‘ve had over the years that never got realised (sometimes sadly, sometimes for good reason). Or who knows? Either way, it gave me the idea of making an animated video clip and thus both solve the problem with people being spread around the planet and do something different at the same time. Which of course gives people something to talk about – the best promotion you can get.”

Katso ”Theme of Antichrist” -kappaleen musiikkivideo alta:

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Therion soittaa 1. helmikuuta alkavan Euroopan-kiertueensa tiimoilta kolme keikkaa Suomessa: 23.3. Helsingin Nosturissa, 24.3. Jyväskylän Lutakossa ja 25.3. Tampereen Olympia-korttelissa.