Thrash metal -legenda Destruction nimesi uuden rumpalinsa
Jo 80-luvun alusta asti toiminnassa olleen saksalaisen thrash metal -jyrä Destructionin rumpali Wawrzyniec ’Vaaver’ Dramovicz ilmoitti vuoden 2018 alussa jättävänsä yhtyeen. Bändi on nyt nimennyt uudeksi vakituiseksi rumpalikseen Randy Blackin (Annihilator, Primal Fear), joka esiintyy yhtyeen mukana ensimmäisen kerran Wacken Open Airissa. Voit lukea yhtyeen laulaja-basisti Schmierin viestin aiheesta tästä:
”Many years ago, when Randy was still with PRIMAL FEAR and we were looking for a drummer, it was the first time we talked about DESTRUCTION’s open drummer seat. But we did not wanna approach them at that time because of his obligation with good friends. Some years later he filled in for Vaaver on the American tour with SEPULTURA because Vaaver became a father again at that time. So it was obvious for me to pass the baton to Randy first this time. And he blew us all away with his tight, groovy and over-the-top drumming. He’s also a very cool Canadian lad that lives in Germany for many years now — so it was a perfect match right away! Hell-come on board buddy!”
Randy on itse kommentoinut nimitystään Destructionin rumpaliksi seuraavasti:
”After a recent successful tour of Asia, Australia and a handful of great festival shows, I’m very happy to announce my position as the new drummer for the thrash metal legends DESTRUCTION!
”35 years running! Try to wrap your head around that!
”I’m looking forward to continuing the DESTRUCTION legacy together with Schmier and Mike, including plans of recording a kick-ass new CD and touring the planet. I’m chomping at the bit to get out there and thrash for all you crazy metalheads on the road soon!”