Thrash metal -yhtye Evile julkaisemassa seuraavan albuminsa huhtikuussa: levyn nimikkokappale kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.2.2021

Englantilainen thrash metal -yhtye Evile on julkaisemassa uransa viidennen albumin nimeltä ”Hell Unleashed” huhtikuun 30. päivä Napalm Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Ol Drake kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

”After a long eight years, EVILE is finally coming back with our fifth studio album, ’Hell Unleashed’ in April; a nine-track onslaught of unrelenting Thrash Metal. I have no qualms in saying that this is the best Thrash Metal album in at least the last 20 years. Those who haven’t been keeping up with EVILE may notice a change in vocals and vocalist. Matt left the band last year for health and personal reasons, and we decided it would be best to keep the new vocalist a familiar face within the band, so I stepped into the vocalist shoes, while remaining on lead guitar and I’m very happy and excited to do it – one of my heroes is Chuck Schuldiner, so it made sense to me; EVILE needs to sound evil and vile, and we’ve achieved that more this time with a much more aggressive approach on ’Hell Unleashed.'”

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Bändin tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu musiikkivideo levyn nimikkokappaleesta, ja voit katsoa sen tästä:

Ol Drake kertoo levyn nimikkokappaleesta seuraavaa:

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”The title track ’Hell Unleashed’ is the first single/video we’re releasing, directed by James Mansell, who I previously worked with on some short films of his. We spoke for a while about maybe doing a music video for EVILE and I’m so glad we did, as we’re so happy with the result. We chose the title track as the first single as we wanted the first track you hear from us in so long to be a straight-to-the-point smack in the face and this definitely delivers. (**WARNING: The video contains flashing**)”

1. Paralysed
2. Gore ( feat. Brian Posehn )
3. Incarcerated
4. War of Attrition
5. Disorder
6. The Thing (1982)
7. Zombie Apocalypse
8. Control from Above
9. Hell Unleashed

Evile 2021:
OL Drake – laulu / kitara
Ben Carter – rummut
Joel Graham – basso
Adam Smith – kitara

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