Threat Signal vaihtaa rumpalia
Kanadalainen metalliyhtye Threat Signal on julkaissut oman Facebook -sivunsa kautta viestin, jonka mukaan yhtyeen rumpali Joey Muha on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen liittyäkseen Jungle Rotin riveihin. Yhtyeen uuden albumin rummut nauhoitti yhtyeen hyvä ystävä Andrew Minarik mutta miehen omien kiireiden takia hän ei tule osallistumaan yhtyeen tuleville kiertueille vaan bändi etsii tällä hetkellä uutta rumpalia tulevia kierteita varten. Voit lukea yhtyeen tiedotteen asian tiimoilta tästä:
“Some may have heard these rumors already, but now its time to clear the air.
A few months ago we parted ways with our drummer Joey Muha. There were ongoing issues between him and another band member, so the situation needed to be resolved before the band could continue. We unfortunately came to the conclusion Joey had to be let go. We wish him the best, and hold no hard feelings.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyOn a positive note, our great friend Andrew Minarik filled in for the recording of our newest album, which is currently being mixed by Mark Lewis of Audiohammer studios.Andrew will not be a full time member due to other commitments, but has been kind enough to lend us his hands and legs for the recording and promotion of the album. With that said, we will be looking for a new touring drummer which could potentially turn into a full time position.
Andrew will be filming this Friday for a new Threat Signal video. He has put together a cool giveaway contest, a live stream link for the music video, and will be doing some Q&A. Check out the video below for more info on that!