Throwdown studioon ensi viikolla

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.5.2013

ThrowdownYhdysvaltalainen metallia soittava Throwdown siirtyy studioon ensi viikolla nauhoittamaan uutta vielä nimeämätöntä albumiaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen vokalistin Dave Peterssin viesti levyn nauhoituksiin liittyen.

”It’s really exciting, if not a little nerve-wracking, to be recording again.

”It has been almost four years since ’Deathless’ came out, which is about twice as long as the time between albums before it. While that has probably been annoying for fans that have been waiting and expecting a new record, it has also been the best thing for the writing process for the new album.

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”I’m really meticulous when writing and arranging even the simplest riffs and songs, so I like to take my time. It has been strange and nice having the freedom to come back to a song or part several weeks later with a different perspective after hitting a wall with it.

”We’re taking a very minimalist approach with these songs, more like ’Vendetta’ and (the first half of) ’Haymaker’. I avoid putting the cart before the horse, but I see the songs on the record coming out stripped down and yet still refined. A two-minute song can arrive at the same place as one that fucks around for six, and while it’s more challenging to get there in less time, it is a lot cooler when you do. I’ve been going back to that when I find myself maybe adding parts or lines that are at risk of being superfluous.

”I’m very proud of ’Deathless’ and all the work that went into it, but it wasn’t a record that THROWDOWN fans expected. It was really polarizing on account of that. I’m simply not looking to continue down that stylistic road with these songs. This is going to be a hard record. I look forward to making it as much for myself as for longtime fans of the band.”

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