Thy Art Is Murder

Thy Art Is Murderin Andy Marsh: ”Yhtyeemme ei tule koskaan käyttämään puhtaita lauluja”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.2.2017

Australialainen deathcore-jyrä Thy Art Is Murder julkaisi hiljattain tiedon laulaja CJ McMahonin paluusta takaisin yhtyeeseen. Bändi on työstänyt kaikessa hiljaisuudessaan jo pitkän tovin tulevaa albumiaan, jonka kirjoitukset on nyt saatu valmiiksi. Yhtyeen kitaristi Andy Marsh on nyt antanut haastattelun Metal Wanille, jossa on kertonut yhtyeen suunnitelmista tulevaisuuden suhteen. Andyn mukaan yhtye toivoisi julkaisevansa seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2017 aikana:

”Yeah, we’ve finished writing. We got together a couple of months ago, Sean [Delander, guitar] and I, and we spent a few weeks writing after a tour, and we did it for three or four weeks. We’ve written a record, now we just got to record the damn thing. We’re excited for it. We topped ourselves. When we think about our music, obviously, in our heads, we think about C.J.’s voice singing over it, so having him coming back, at the end of us writing a record, it made us excited to go and record it and hear it the way we imagined hearing it. The fans, obviously, their idea of the band is with C.J. singing in the band. We shared that vision, that idea, also. Our band is like a small family and the way we imagine hearing our own music and how we craft the product is with that end-goal in mind. It’s definitely exciting to know we can get the sound we want.”

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”We’d like to have the record out this year, 2017. A lot of work goes into recording and getting the artwork, lyrics, recording it, making videos. It’s a pretty lengthy process.”

Kysyttäessä Andylta aikooko yhtye lisätä musiikkiinsa puhtaita lauluja tulevaisuudessa:

”Never. That’s one avenue that is definitely not open to our band. Not for any kind of limitation in terms of ability, but, I mean, that’s our own restrictions. If we want to start a band that was going to play a different style of music, we would have another band for that. We’ve all played in other bands in different genres — hardcore, post-hardcore rock bands — so we have the ability to do that. We have the enjoyment that we get from that genre of music, but we have no need to put that into THY ART IS MURDER. We just want to refine our sound, evolve, just slowly perfect what it is what we focus on and what we want to do. So, no clean vocals for us.”

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