Thy Art Is Murderin tulevan albumin julkaisu viivästyy

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.9.2023

Australialaisen deathcoren jättiläisen Thy Art Is Murderin oli määrä julkaista seuraava ”Godlike”-niminen albumi tämän viikon perjantaina 15. päivä syyskuuta yhtyeen oman Human Warfare -nimisen levymerkin kautta. Nyt yhtye on julkaissut tiedotteen, jossa se kertoo tulevan albumin julkaisun viivästyvän viikolla. Voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:

”It truly pains us to say it, but we’ve made the hard decision to delay the release of our new album ’Godlike’ by a week to September 22nd. We had hoped that we would be lucky enough to avoid the production delays that have been affecting the entire industry for some time but despite our best efforts, we won’t have vinyl, CD’s and the remaining merch in time for the initial release date. 

’Godlike’ is our first independent record and we’ve poured everything we have into all facets of this release. We want to ensure that you all get the opportunity to hear the record in your desired format on release date, and pushing the release back a week was the only way to make that happen. Selfishly, this also gives us the best opportunity for chart positions by synchronizing the release of all formats. 

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Thank you so much for your patience and support. We promise that ’Godlike’ is absolutely worth the wait and we can’t wait to see you all on the road.”