TNT:n entinen laulaja Tony Mills on kuollut

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.9.2019

Norjalaisessa heavy metal -yhtye TNT:ssä vuosien 2006–2013 välisen ajan laulanut Tony Mills on kuollut 57 vuoden iässä taisteltuaan parantumatonta syöpää vastaan kuuden kuukauden ajan. Tony ehti laulaa kaiken kaikkiaan kolmella TNT:n albumilla ”The New Territory” (2007), ”Atlantis” (2008) sekä ”A Farewell to Arms”, ennen kuin hänet korvattiin bändiin palanneella Tony Harnellilla. Tony Milssin vaimo Linda on julkaissut Tonyn kuolemaan liittyen virallisen muistokirjoituksen, ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”It is with a shattered heart that I announce the passing of my loving husband and best friend Tony Mills. He was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer in April of this year and lived his life to the fullest until he exhaled for the last time in my arms. He wanted to live, but wasn’t afraid of death.

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”Most will know him through his incredible contribution to the music world as a singer in bands like SHY and TNT as well as a solo artist and session vocalist. He leaves behind him a legacy that will live on for many lifetimes.

”Those people closest to him will also know him as a gentle and kind soul, a dedicated husband with a love for the quiet life, his animals and his motorbikes. His sense of humour was always on point. His last summer was the happiest in his life, at the end of each day he exclaimed ’It’s been another fantastic day!’ He spent a lot of time in his workshop fixing up his dirtbike so he could ride it later this autumn. The evening before he passed, he managed to whisper: ’I’ve had a good life. I’ve had a GOOD life. I’m just a bit pissed about the bike.'”

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”TNT band & crew deeply regret the passing of our good friend and 2006 – 2013 TNT singer Tony Mills. You gave us 3 great albums, many great concerts and many great moments together on the road and in the studio. We feel a terrible loss. Fuck Cancer! Rest easy Tony.”