Tobias Forge: ”Alunperin ajatukseni oli vain toimia Ghostin kitaristina, eikä johtohahmona”
Ghost-yhtyeen nokkamies Tobias Forge kävi hiljattain Chicagolaisen 101 WKQX-radioaseman haastattelussa, jossa puheenaineena olivat Forgen musiikkiuran alkuajat ja se, miten Ghost syntyi. Forge kertoi myös, miten hän oli alunperin suunnitellut uraa kitaristina ja olisi hyvin nähnyt jonkun muun yhtyeen vokalistina:
”The time that I have spent sort of in the background, I also, in 2006 and onwards, when Ghost began to appear in my head, my intention was to just play guitar. I wanted to write everything and I wanted do back-up vocals. I just wanted to be the guitar player. That’s always been in my head — I am a guitar player.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”In a way. It’s not weird, because now, obviously, I’m conditioned into being the singer guy, but if I had my way and definitely in an alternative future, if whatever happens, I could definitely picture myself sort of getting someone else to sing and [I] just play guitar. I love playing those songs myself. Obviously, I don’t do it very often, and if I’m just given a guitar, I have to refresh my memory and, of course, the more time I spend jumping around doing other things, the less I play guitar, which is a little bit of a cycle where every time I come home, I play a little bit more, and then I go on the road and I play a little bit less. And then as soon as I go in the studio again, I have to really, really, really get my chops up again.”
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