Ghost @ South Park 2018

Tobias Forge lupailee: ”Ghostilta tulossa ensi vuonna paljon raskaampi ja synkempi albumi”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 9.5.2019
Ghost @ South Park 2018

Ghostin keulamies Tobias Forge on kuvaillut Revolver Magazinelle ja Billboardille antamissaan haastatteluissa, että ensi vuonna ilmestyvän studioalbumin olisi tarkoitus olla raskaampi ja synkempi verrattuna tuoreimpaan ”Prequelle”-levyyn, joka oli genreltään lähempänä enemmänkin balladiheavyä. Vuoden 2020 alussa Ghostin on aikomus palata studioon, ja Forge kertoi mietteitään asiasta seuraavin sanoin:

”I want it to feel different. If I dare to say heavier, people think that it’s going to be Mercyful Fate all the way… but I definitely have a darker, heavier record in mind.”

”Luckily, this time around, I feel very certain as to what I want to do. The dramaturgic nature of the records and the stories are getting more and more intertwined nowadays, which I like. It’s almost like working with a series, I guess; you have your characters and you can still fuck with them and add new things and take things away. You can do whatever you want, which is always enticing from a creative standpoint.”

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Tobias Forge on kertonut myös aikomuksistaan tehdä Ghostista elokuva, kunhan ajankohta olisi sopiva kaiken muun kiireen keskellä:

“Most films about bands are biographical, and I see no reason to tell our story yet. It’s a little bit like premature ejaculation. You have to have a career first and then you can tell the real story, so that was never an option. And when you yank away that, what do you have? Well, that would be a fictional story.

The cog wheels are turning on that one. We’re just trying to figure out a lot of the practicalities. Making a film is a big endeavor. Another problem that I have had over the course of my career is that I don’t have a shit-ton of time. I am also a father of two kids and I’m married.

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I try to not to break my back. I’ve been so close so many times to overworking and I said yes to everything just because I was so keen on not losing momentum. I’ve learned over the years that it’s really important not to do everything at once.”