Todd Jones: ”Nails aikoo jatkaa uraansa uuden kokoonpanon turvin ja kirjoittaa parhaillaan seuraavaa albumiaan”
Julkaisimme sivustollamme eilen uutisen, jossa kerroimme yhdysvaltalaisen hardcore-yhtye Nailsin rumpalin Taylor Youngin sekä basistin John Gianellin jättäneen yhtyeen. Nyt yhtyeen laulaja Todd Jones on julkaissut bändin Instagramissa viestin, jonka mukaan yhtye aikoo jatkaa uraansa uuden kokoonpanon turvin ja kirjoittaa materiaalia parhaillaan seuraavaa albumiaan varten. Voit lukea päivityksen tästä:
“Hey everyone I don’t really stop in to drop updates here as Nails is simply what people in the music industry refer to as “off cycle” and I believe it’s healthy for bands to … go away, for lack of better term, and return when they have something relevant to say which in Nails case, would be new music as we haven’t released anything in a few years.
With that being said, John and Taylor are not in Nails anymore and it seems like a good time to let you know that. With that being said, as people have been inquiring, the next point to address is the future of Nails.
This change happened months ago, so I’ve had time to get things together, work on our 4th album, and find musicians to play with. When we are ready to announce that info, we will let you know. John and Taylor without a doubt made their mark on Nails, which is beyond measure and personally I will always cherish the experiences and music we shared together. –Todd.”