Tom Morello kaavaili Audioslavesta Rage Against The Machineakin poliittisempaa bändiä

Kirjoittanut Joonas Arppe - 3.12.2020

Kitaristi Tom Morello kertoo tuoreessa Guitar World -haastattelussa uransa syväluotaamisen ohella suunnitelleensa Chris Cornellin kipparoimasta Audioslavesta alun perin yksinomaan poliittista yhtyettä. Kävi kuitenkin nopeasti ilmi, ettei kokoonpanon tuottama soundi sopisi sanomaltaan Morellon kaavailemaan äärimmäisen poliittiseen muottiin:

”We were very fortunate with Audioslave. It was our collective belief that for a band to find its greatness, it has to be authentic. When Tim, Brad and I originally formed Audioslave with Chris Cornell in 2001, it was my intention that it would be even more political than Rage. But it soon became clear that wasn’t the direction we wanted to go. The principal difference between Rage and Audioslave is not politics.

The music in Rage is very James Brown and hip-hop-based – it all comes back to the one. In the entire catalog of four Rage Against the Machine albums, there might be zero chord changes. It’s relentless. But with Audioslave, to provide Chris with the harmonic interplay that would allow him to weave great melodies, we had a very different sonic palette. You know, songs like ’I Am The Highway’, ’Like A Stone’ or ’Be Yourself’ were chord-based. That pushed us and made for three exciting records.”

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Lokakuussa Morello julkaisi yhteistyössä Genesis-kustantamon kanssa koko uransa Rage Against The MachinenAudioslavenThe Nightwatchmanin ja The Atlas Undergroundin kanssa kattavan kuvakirjan Whatever It Takes.

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