Tom Morello kertoo Rage Against The Machinen tulevaisuuden olevan epävarmuuden peitossa: ”En tiedä nousemmeko enää keikkalavalle”
Yhdysvaltalainen rap rockia soittava Rage Against The Machine perui viime vuonna kaikki sovitut keikkansa laulaja Zack De La Rochan loukattua jalkansa ja lääkäreiden kiellettyä tätä esiintymästä. Nyt yhtyeen kitaristi Tom Morello on antanut Rolling Stonelle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut yhtyeen tulevaisuuden olevan tällä hetkellä epävarmuuden peitossa. Morellon mukaan vain aika tulee näyttämään päätyykö bändi soittamaan lisää keikkoja tulevaisuudessa sillä tällä hetkellä edes hän itse ei tiedä siihen vastausta. Morello kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:
“We’ll see. If there is to be any more shows, we will announce it as a band. I don’t know. I know as much as you do, honestly. Right now we’re in time of healing. I’m in a time of making music and doing a bunch of stuff.
To bring it back to the Hall of Fame conversation [the band are currently on their fifth nomination for the ‘Rock & Roll Hall of Fame] , if there never is another show, I think that this tour made the case. It’s not about how much you tour. It’s about what it’s like during those moments when you do. Rage Against The Machine has played 19 shows in the past 12 years. And the resonance of those 19 shows feel, in talking to fans, like those were historical events that furthers the idea of what that band is like live onstage.”
Kysyttäessä onko Rage Against The Machine Morellon mukaan parhaillaan tauolla kertoo kitaristi seuraavaa:
“There is no term. Rage Against The Machine is like the ring in Lord of the Rings. It drives men mad. It drives journalists mad. It drives record industry people mad. They want it. They want the thing, and they’re driven mad. If there are Rage shows, if there are not Rage shows, you’ll hear from the band. I do not know. When there is news, it will come from a collective statement from the band. There is no news.”
Kysyttäessä Morellolta onko Zack De La Rocha ilmaissut halunsa jatkaa keikkailua parannuttuaan kertoi Morello seuraavaa:
“The conversations I’ve had with band members since the tour have been about life. It’s hard for me to explain. I understand that in this interview, it’s at the top of your list, your Lord of the Rings check list. It’s hard to explain, but when you’re in it, it’s never been like that. It’s a band that made three albums of new material, that tours very intermittently. It’s a unicorn in a way. Much of the time, there’s not a position the band is in. You know what I’m saying?”