Tom Morello: ”Rage Against The Machinea ei enää ole”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 11.6.2016

Rage Against The MachineYhdysvaltalaisen rap metal -pioneeri Rage Against The Machinen kitaristi Tom Morello kertoo tuoreessa Wall Street Journal -haastattelussaan, ettei yhtye ole tekemässä paluuta, vaan sen henki elää uudessa Prophets Of Rage -superkokoonpanossa. Morellon lisäksi kokoonpanossa vaikuttavat niin ikään Rage Against The Machinessa soittaneet Brad Wilk ja Tim Commerford, sekä Public Enemyn Chuck D ja Cypress Hillin B-Real. Voit lukea Morellon kommentteja tästä:

”There’s no RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE — right now, the burning embers of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, the cold embers, are now the burning fire of PROPHETS OF RAGE. Where RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE lives is this summer in these songs that we are playing.”

”We have nothing but the greatest love, and honor, and respect for Zack de la Rocha, the brilliant lyricist of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, who is working on his own music, which I’m sure will be fantastic. He’s a great artist in his own right, but where you are going to hear RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE is in PROPHETS OF RAGE.”

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