Tom Morellon yhteistyö Bring Me The Horizonin kanssa kuunneltavissa uudella ”Let’s Get This Party Started” -kappaleella

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.9.2021

Rage Against The Machinesta tunnettu kitaristi Tom Morello on julkaisemassa seuraavan sooloalbuminsa nimeltä ”The Atlas Underground Fire” lokakuun 15. päivä. Morellon tulevalta sooloalbumilta on nyt julkaistu yhteistyössä Bring Me The Horizonin kanssa tehty kappale ”Let’s Get This Party Started”, jonka teosta Morello kertoo seuraavaa:

Bring Me The Horizon is really the current standard bearer of hard rock/metal today, and thank God for them for that. I had a couple of huge riffs and we just started mashing it up with Zakk Cervini, who has worked with them before.

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“This song was written on three continents — Oli was in Brazil, Jordan was in England and then I was here in L.A. It was a real United Nations of metal coming together to produce this song, which really feels to me like it captures the angst and the frustration of the pandemic boiling over into an all-time mosh pit.

“This song also has one of my favorite guitar solos that I’ve played in quite a while, as I was really digging deep to make a solo as devastating as the track.”

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