Tony Iommi kehuu Metallican vaikutusta metallimusiikin kehitykseen

Kirjoittanut Kasper Piippo - 29.11.2024

Kitaristi Anthony Frank ”Tony” Iommia haastateltiin hiljattain Guitar World -lehden toimesta. Haastattelussa käsiteltiin muun muassa Iommin näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia muista kitaristeista, kuten Led Zeppelinin Jimmy Pagesta ja Queenin Brian Maysta, mutta kun tuli aika keskustella Black Sabbathin alkuajoista, keskustelu eksyi Metallican ja yhtyeen vaikutuksen thrash-alagenren synnylle kehumiseen.

”And it was nice to hear those thrash bands paying tribute to us. It’s great how they were able to push it forward into something new and turn it into their own thing. I was just coming up with things I liked.

So it was brilliant to hear about other musicians liking what I’d done, taking the same kind of idea and improving on it, evolving it into their own sound. Like Metallica, for instance, who probably learned things from us as well as other people.

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What they did with the metal sound, turning it into thrash, was fantastic. They’ve always been respectful toward us and they’re lovely guys. I love their attitude toward things, the way they write and everything. It reminds us a lot of how we were – everyone in one room rehearsing together and taking it seriously.” Tony Iommi

Haastattelussa kysyttiin myös klassinen kysymys, että nähdäänkö Black Sabbathia enää koskaan livenä, johon Iommi vastaa:

“Who knows? You can never say never, and we never have said never. It really depends on everybody’s health and what we’d expect from each other now. Can we still play and sound the same together? I don’t know because it’s been such a long time. It’s in the air.

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“By the time it comes around, if it ever does, we’ll have to see what state everybody is in and whether we can climb on stage. If we did, it would have to be good otherwise I wouldn’t do it.

“There’s no point in just getting up, what can you prove by doing that? If it’s not right or as good as it was, then there’s no point in doing it. In my eyes, it has to be as good or better. Tony Iommi