Toolin Maynard James Keenan paljastaa sairastaneensa jo neljä kertaa koronaviruksen: ”Tällä kertaa sain Euroopan version”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.6.2022

”I just had it the fourth time. I got the European-flavoured one. That was fun. I mean, when you’re in a room full of thousands of people, it’s being passed around. You get into a tube and you fly 10 hours in a contained environment, you’re gonna get it. If somebody has it and you’re gonna get it, you can get it. That’s just the nature of what it is now. We need to embrace that and stop freaking the fuck out.”

Yhdysvaltalainen progressiivisen metallin jättiläinen Tool soitti hiljattain pitkän Euroopan-kiertueen yhdessä Brass Againstin kanssa. Bändin laulaja Maynard James Keenan on paljastanut tuoreessa AZ Centralin haastattelussa, että sai koronatartunnan jo neljännen kerran ollessaan Euroopassa bändinsä kanssa. Hän kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”I just had it the fourth time. I got the European-flavoured one. That was fun. I mean, when you’re in a room full of thousands of people, it’s being passed around. You get into a tube and you fly 10 hours in a contained environment, you’re gonna get it. If somebody has it and you’re gonna get it, you can get it. That’s just the nature of what it is now. We need to embrace that and stop freaking the fuck out.”

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