Toton Steve Lukatherilta ja Joseph Williamsilta sooloalbumit helmikuussa: ensimmäiset singlet kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.11.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisesta rockin veteraanista Totosta tunnetut kitaristi-laulaja Steve Lukather ja laulaja Joseph Williams ovat julkaisemassa omat sooloalbuminsa helmikuun 26. Mascot Label Groupin kautta. Steve Lukatherin sooloalbumi kantaa nimeä ”I Found The Sun Again” ja Joseph Williamsin sooloalbumi puolestaan nimeä ”Denizen Tenant”. Voit kuunnella Lukatherin sooloalbumilta kappaleen nimeltä ”Run To Me” ja Joseph Williamsin sooloalbumilta kappaleen nimeltä ”Never Saw You Coming” tästä:

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Joseph Williams on kertonut tulevasta sooloalbumistaan seuraavaa:

“’Never Saw You Coming’ is my first opportunity in ages to show my true sound. Although my album is an eclectic collection of songs, this one tells you what you need to know to get a real sense of the whole. You can see where I’m going vocally for sure. It all starts with ‘Never Saw You Coming’, plus I thought it was time we had a cool sexy song about death! Enjoy…”

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Steve Lukather on kertonut tulevasta sooloalbumistaan seuraavaa:

”Never had so much fun recording in my life. Painless, fun and easy — and it just flowed. The repertoire features five new original compositions, and three covers personally selected by me. Those are TRAFFIC’s ’Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys’, Joe Walsh’s ’Welcome To The Club’ and Robin Trower’s ’Bridge Of Sighs’. ALL these tracks were cut LIVE — no clix — no fix — No rehearsal — one run-thru — and record and the whole record was take 2. I did double a few guitar parts and ’produced up’ a few tunes that are obvious but in the same time frame. I recorded the lead vocal right after we got the take same day. One song a day. Joe took it home and did some BG vocals but that’s it.

I wanted to make as honest a record as I could in 2020 with 1970s inspiration, and recording values, and techniques with a modern sound. Ken did that!”

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