Trelldom kiinnitetty Prophecy Productionsille

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 22.5.2024

Norjalainen black metal -yhtye Trelldom on tehnyt sopimuksen useammasta albumista Prophecy Productionsin kanssa. Yhtyeen neljäs täyspitkä julkaistaan myöhemmin tänä vuonna. Trelldomin edellinen ”Til minne…” -albumi julkaistiin vuonna 2007.
Yhtye kommentoi:

”It is important to find the right collaboration partners as well as someone who respects and partly understands what we want to convey at all times, which Martin and the people in his company do – art must always come first!
Therefore as Trelldom we are very much looking forward to continuing our journey with Prophecy Productions.”

Prophecy Productions kommentoi:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

 ”Working with an outstanding artist such as the Norwegian vocalist Gaahl and his legendary band Trelldom is both a privilege and an obligation to get everything exactly right. We are all thrilled to welcome Trelldom to our roster and it is no exaggeration when I mention that we have many die-hard fans in this company.”