Trollfestilta uusi albumi tammikuussa – toinen studiotraileri katsottavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.11.2016

TrollfesTNorjalainen folk metal-yhtye Trollfest on jakanut Facebook-sivuillaan toisen studiotrailerin tulevan ”Helluva”-albuminsa nauhoituksista. Järjestyksessään seitsemännen pitkäsoiton on määrä tulla kaiken kansan kuunneltavaksi tammikuun 24. päivä, levy-yhtiö NoiseArt Recordsin toimesta. Voit katsoa hämmentävän hauskan, mutta vähän liian lyhyeksi jäävän videon alempaa.

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”Out of Kaos, into more Kaos! We have been holding this close to our hearts for some time now, but finally, oh finally, the sweet release is upon us! Our new album is here! To our joy and satisfaction, it will be released February 24th, 2017! We call this beautiful baby Helluva, and she is the result of many long months of demoing, arranging, recording, re-recording, cutting, compressing, computing and confusing, laughing and loathing, singing and screaming, spitting and sneering. The pride we have for this album is unfathomable, and we are so happy to finally share it with all our lovable fans! Like the perfect omelet, we also busted quite a few eggs (brain cells and blood vessels) during this conception. So even though we still produce a helluva mess in the kitchen, the meals we make are always tasty to the EXTREME! So here we stand at the brink of the coming release, shivering with anticipation, ravenous for road rage and trembling with tenacity! Helluva comes with a 100% ‘knock-your-socks-off guarantee’, that is a promise! LET’S GO!”