Turilli/Lione Rhapsody julkaisi tulevan levyn avauskappaleen: Kuuntele ”Phoenix Rising” lyriikkavideon muodossa
Italialaisesta, sinfonista metallia soittavasta Rhapsodysta tunnetut Luca Turilli sekä Fabio Lione julkaisevat 28. kesäkuuta luotsaamansa Turilli/Lione Rhapsodyn alla ”Zero Gravity (Rebirth And Evolution)” -albumin. Nyt faneille on tarjolla julkaisun avauskappale ”Phoenix Rising”, jonka voi kuunnella lyriikkavideon kera. Yhtye saapuu uuden levyn saattelemana Suomeen 26. syyskuuta, jolloin se esiintyy The Circuksessa.
Laulaja Fabio Lione kommentoi kappaletta:
”’Phoenix Rising’ represents the bridge between our past and our artistic future, including some elements of the traditional symphonic metal school combined with heavy guitars, the modern sounds we love nowadays and an ethnic interlude featuring the unique voice of Mongolian artist Uyanga Bold. Once recorded, ’Phoenix Rising’ got immediately stuck in our head and we found ourselves singing the chorus all day long. For all these reasons we consider it as the perfect opener for our debut album and for our upcoming live shows!”
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Luca Turilli puolestaan kertoi sinkusta:
”Fabio’s emotional performance underlines the intense lyrics inspired by sacred geometry, quantum physics and the secrets of the ancient wisdom, telling about a human being and his dramatic process of self-realization after experiencing an inner quake and the impelling need to move beyond the illusion of duality and the loops related with the material aspects of life in order to reach a higher level of consciousness and find his place in the geometry of existence.”