Turmion Kätilöiden yhteistyö Beast In Blackin Kasperi Heikkisen kanssa kuunneltavissa uudella ”Pulssi”-kappaleella

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.10.2024

Kotimainen industrial metal -yhtye Turmion Kätilöt on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”Reset”-nimisen albuminsa lokakuun 25. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on julkaistu tänään yhteistyössä Beast In Blackin kitaristin Kasperi Heikkisen kanssa tehty kappale ”Pulssi”, josta yhtyeen laulaja MC Raaka Pee kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:

”You know you’re living when you feel your pulse up to your gums. The song arrangement and lyrics were born in one evening without any pre-planning or notes. That night the moon burned my face. This time, the song was kept really simple. I wanted to include a riff that I would have been able to play as a 14 year old. Sort of like Smoke On The Water for many youngsters at the time when they first tried playing the guitar. For me that was the 90s and you can hear that kind of middle school riffing in Pulssi. Works damn well I think! Give it a try yourself!

”I would say that Reset is like a bastard son or daughter of previous records – with tasty new spices added to the whole thing. It has everything you could ever want from us and more. One of the special twist of this album is the vocal parts: the fierce screams are counterbalanced by a huge melodiousness – often at the same time.”

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