Twisted Sisterin Jay Jay French uskoo tietävänsä, miten Guns N’ Roses selvisi grunge-aallosta

Kirjoittanut Konsta Hietaniemi - 1.7.2020

Twisted Sisterin kitaristi Jay Jay French antoi muun muassa ”Rock Is Dead?” -dokumentin tehneelle Daniel Sarkissianille haastattelun, jossa hän puhui grungen vaikutuksesta rockbändeihin. Glam rockin suosio laski valtavasti Nirvanan ja Soundgardenin kaltaisten yhtyeiden noustessa pinnalle, mutta Guns N’ Roses onnistui siitä huolimatta nousemaan yhdeksi suurimmista yhtyeistä. Frenchin mukaan siitä on kiittäminen yhtyeen aitoutta:

”The only band that leapfrogged and saved themselves was Guns n’ Roses. And my theory is that Guns n’ Roses was not perceived as a joke. They came out of L.A., but I think that Axl [Rose], first of all, had a great voice. I think that they were perceived as real, not fake. Like, they were real junkies, not pretend junkies. So there’s an authenticity. It’s all about authenticity, and grunge is all about authenticity. People wanted authenticity, so they got it with grunge. It wiped out the perceived frivolousness of hair metal, which is, ’Hey, man. Let’s party. Let’s get the girls and drink.’ I think people just got sick of that, and they wanted [something more] authentic.”

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