UADA julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Retraversing the Void” -kappaleelle

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 20.3.2024

Black metal -yhtye Uada on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon. ”Retraversing the Void” -kappale löytyy bändin viime syksynä julkaistulta ”Crepuscule Natura” -albumilta. Yhtye kertoo videosta:

“Originally filmed in 2021 and then re-filmed in 2023, the story of ‘Retraversing the Void‘ spins light on the ever-old cliche’ tale of rising from the fall.

As life is full of ups and downs, it is of utmost importance to remember our worth, dedication, and inner potential so that we may understand the universes plan in guiding us along our path.

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While it may be common to feel lost from time to time, we must know we are always where we are meant to be in order to learn from the experiences life presents.

We hope the symbolism within provides an awakening analogy of opening our perception to the balance of all things as well as the ability to listen to the greater powers (be it the higher-self, an ancestral messenger, or perhaps a deity known as one of many gods) who often speak upon deaf ears.

We are all the substance that is and ever was.”

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