Udo Dirkschneider entisistä kitaristeistaan Kasperi Heikkisestä sekä Billy Hudsonista: ”Heillä oli liian suuret egot”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.9.2018

Saksalainen heavy metal -legenda Udo Dirkschneider julkaisi hiljattain U.D.O.-nimen alla uuden albumin nimeltä ”Steel Factory”. Dirkschneider on antanut albumista haastattelun Metal Forces -sivustolle, jossa hän on kommentoinut suomalaisen kitaristin Kasperi Heikkisen ja yhdysvaltalaisen kitaristin Billy Hudsonin lähtöä yhtyeestä. Dirkschneiderin mukaan miesten suuret egot menivät usein yhtyeen edelle, minkä vuoksi heidän kanssaan työskentely oli vaikeaa. Voit lukea Dirkschneiderin ajatuksia kitaristeista tästä:

”Both of the guitar players, Kasperi Heikkinen from Finland and also Bill Hudson, they were not team players. I’m not a solo artist; we work in the band as a team. They were definitely not team players, and that’s the reason why they are not in the band any more. Andrey [Smirnov] did all of the guitars on this album. At the moment, we’re looking for a new guitar player. I think in two or three weeks, I can announce a new guitar player. He’ll be from Germany, and very young.”

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”There was too much ego. They were not willing to work on songs together, let’s say. For example, Kasperi, he came up with an idea, and we said, ’Okay, maybe we can do it like this and this.’ Then he said ’Nobody changes my songs or ideas, thank you very much,’ and that was it [laughs]. With Bill Hudson, for example, he wasn’t really interested in composing anything and wasn’t really interested in playing on the album. He was working on something. Yeah, I don’t know, and he never really became a member of the band. He was always away, and doing some different stuff. Sometimes there was the feeling that he was doing the Bill Hudson show, and not a DIRKSCHNEIDER show. It isn’t possible for us to work with people like this.”

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