Udo Dirkschneiderin mukaan yhteistyö Peter Baltesin kanssa 15 vuoden jälkeen oli ”todella hauskaa”

Kirjoittanut Konsta Hietaniemi - 25.6.2020

U.D.O:ssa ja sitä ennen Acceptissa vaikuttanut Udo Dirkschneider on kommentoinut yhteistyötään entisen Accept-bändikaverinsa Peter Baltesin kanssa tulevalla ”We Are One” -albumilla. Levyllä on mukana myös Acceptista tuttu Stefan Kaufmann sekä Saksan armeijan soittokunta, Das Musikkorps der Bundeswehr. Levyllä on 15 uutta kappaletta, joita on ollut kirjoittamassa Dirkschneiderin lisäksi everstiluutnantti Christoph Scheibling, edellämainitut Accept-bänditoverit sekä soittokunnan säveltäjät Guido Rennert ja Alexander Reuber.

Dirkschneider kommentoi Baltesin mukanaoloa kanadalaiselle The Metal Voicelle:

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”This was not planned. [Getting] Stefan Kaufmann [involved] was planned from the beginning on. He was helping us out on the last concerts, on the guitar. And he was sitting also with us together when we were talking about that we maybe wanna do an album. And he said, ’I wanna be the sound engineer. I have some ideas.’ And then I said, ’Okay, no problem.’ I mean, I never had any problems with Stefan Kaufmann. And then, one day, I was in Germany, and he said, ’Yeah, you have to do some demo vocals in the studio.’ Then I said, ’Okay, I’ll come then.’ Then I came into the studio, but he didn’t tell me this before, and Peter Baltes was staying there. Peter was there; he was doing some stuff with Stefan about his projects. Peter, after he left Accept, he’s doing so many things. And we were talking a lot of things. Then Peter said, ’You’re doing a very interesting project. I have also some ideas, if you don’t mind.’ I said, ’Hey, Peter, no problem.’ I mean, I never had a problem with Peter. Then Stefan and Peter, they came up with really good ideas.”

”We Are One” julkaistaan 17. heinäkuuta AFM Recordsin/Soulfood Musicin kautta.

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