
Ukkosen jyrinää vuonojen maasta: norjalainen Endezzma julkaisee uuden albuminsa tammikuussa 2021

Kirjoittanut Suvi Seppänen - 21.10.2020

Norjalainen black metal -yhtye Endezzma on julkaissut uuden, 21. tammikuuta julkaistavan albuminsa tiedot. Vastikaan Dark Essence Recordsin kanssa sopimuksen tehneen yhtyeen kolmas albumi kantaa nimeä ”The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder”, ja sen kerrotaan olevan tunnelmaltaan primitiivisen aggressiivinen mutta samalla tummasävyisen mystinen. Yhtye kommentoi albumia seuraavasti:

”We are excited to finally bring out the news and details of ’The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder’ because this is an album into which we really have placed not just a piece of our heart but also our whole soul. Never before have we worked as hard and as determinedly on every little detail of an album. In it we really see the band arise out of the ashes as a new golden entity, with a hunger that is more rabid than ever, filled with the desire to set the world ablaze with our music.

We feel that the album takes the band into a new epic and mythical landscape and sends the listeners out on an infernal, intense, and epic journey to a dark and obscure world that is lit by the archer’s flaming arrows of equilibrium, wild glorious death and anomalious abomination.

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’The Archer Fjord and the Thunder’ should be considered as a concept album, and we invite you into our world of stellar darkness, to explore our path of burning devotion… We are Endezzma.”


1. The Awakening
2. The Name of the Night is a Strong Tower
3. Anomalious Abomination
4. The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder
5. Formless And Void
6. Garden ov Heathen
7. Wild Glorior Death
8. Open Your Eyes and Stab the Sight
9. Arrows of Equilibrium
10. Closure

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