Ulverin Kristoffer Rygg vierailee Borknagarin seuraavalla albumilla

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.5.2015

Borknagar 2012 (2)Norjalaisen kokeellista metallia soittavan Ulverin vokalisti Kristoffer Rygg on varmistunut vierailijaksi Borknagarin seuraavalle albumille. Mies tulee laulamaan albumilla kahdessa eri kappaleessa. Borknagar on parhaillaan studiossa nauhoittamassa tulevaa albumiaan, jonka miksaa Jens Bogren. Yhtyeen vokalisti Øystein G. Brun on tarjonnut seuraavanlaista päivitystä liittyen bändin tulevaan albumiin sekä yhteistyöhön Kristoffer Ryggin kanssa:

”These days, 20 years ago, Kristoffer and I hooked up for the very first time in Bergen to record vocals for the BORKNAGAR debut album. Glorious days, indeed.

”Last night I was barely asleep as I got the first vocal samples from Kristoffer late yesterday evening and have been listening to the songs repeatedly since then.

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”Being a former bandmate and a huge fan of his work ever since we parted ways back in the days, I certainly did expect a lot, but what he sent over this time around surpasses every expectations. Really!

”Still trying to get my jaw back in position and the goosebumps seem to have turned chronic on me.

”Kristoffer performs the lead vocals for one full song called ’Winter Thrice’ and does additional vocals for another opus called ’Terminus’.

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”Being a profoundly nostalgic person, this makes me reflect about how damn lucky I am to have been able to work with some of the finest vocalists in the world throughout the years. Musically, the upcoming album will be a celebration of just that.

”Along with the vocals of Vintersorg, ICS Vortex and Lazare, it should be needless to argue that this will be a very special album! Massively so!”