Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats

Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats julkaisee uuden albumin

Kirjoittanut Vilma Peltokangas - 29.8.2018
Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats

Raskasta psykedeliarockia soittava brittiläinen yhtye Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats julkaisee uuden albumin 12. lokakuuta. Albumi kantaa nimeä ”Wasteland”. Kevin ”Uncle Acid” Starrs kommentoi albumia seuraavasti:

“There’s not enough melody or harmony in new music for my liking. I wanted to go even further with all of that this time, and really force it down people’s throats! It’s important to me that someone keeps it going, especially in heavy music. I always write to my own tastes, so as long as it appeals to me, I don’t really think about it. But I would say that it’s all been an instinctive progression.”

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1. I See Through You
2. Shockwave City
3. No Return
4. Blood Runner
5. Stranger Tonight
6. Wasteland
7. Bedouin
8. Exodus

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